Explore the captivating journey of an ordinary man who, in the aftermath of profound personal tragedy, not only rebuilt his life but also embarked on a mission to transform the world.
It was the early hours of the morning. The phone started ringing ...
In Motivated by Murder, author Ken Marslew shares hls personal journey following the murder of his son, Michael in 1994. As he grapples with the incomprehensible Ioss, Ken takes readers on a heart-wrenching journey that begins with the harrowlng incident, the funeral and the hunt for Michae!'s killers.
Ken confronts a legal system that he discovers to be disconnected frorn the concept of true justice, a struggle that perslsts try thls day. Readers are taken behind the scenes of the offenders' trials and their verdicts, revealing the famlly's painful loss while also shedding light on his determined support for other victims.
From this tragedy Enough is Enough is estabiished to pursue Iegislatlve reform and to improve the justice system. His subsequent work in schools, juvenile correctional centres, and mainstream prisons - both men's arld women's - provides eye-openlng accounts of encounters wlth a diverse spectrurn of characters, includlng meeting with Michael's murderers.
Motivated by Murder also shares the tragic loss of his second son, further deepening the family's sorrow. But thls isn't just a story of loss; it provides an lnvaluable source of solace for those who have endured similar grief.
Ken defies the stereotypical portrayal of a victim, concludlng with an uplifting affirmation of resilience and an optimistic worldview.
Ken Marslew, the founder of the renowned Enough is Enough Anti-Violence Movement, delves into his powerful and poignant journey in his new book, "Motivated By Murder."